What to expect from Krakin’t in the year 2021?

4 min readDec 27, 2020


  1. Listing on exchanges will not be the priority.

There are ERC20 token exchanges that allow free listing, and you are free to list and trade KRK tokens however you like. Nevertheless, if you wish to apply for any exchange and need liquidity tokens, forms to be filled, or additional information, please ask and your e-mail will be 100% answered. Just e-mail info@krakint.com

Nevertheless, we will not provide Ethereum or pay for any listing expenses other than providing the liquidity tokens. Our strategy is to start isolated, work using the bottom-up approach, while carefully choosing the next moves exposing ourselves to the world.

2. We will complete the first stage of an exchange development and launch it.

Krakin’t is a project incubator, and we believe in a free-trade where anyone can list and trade their tokens, instead of imposing the strict filters, high-standards and acting as a bait for the investors… This means that we need to bend technology, as much as possible, to avoid the need to apply such strict measures. In other words, we are re-defining the concept of what it means to exchange the assets. For this reason, the paper-work and bureaucracy may slow things down, although we will have everything coded and ready for a launch before they give us a green-light.

3. Lots and lots of paperwork to be done.

We want to make sure that what we are doing is legal, and that the innovation is protected. We are a Canadian-based company, and exchanges are allowed by the law. Nevertheless, we do need a confirmation to stay safe. Furthermore, protecting the idea by patenting must be done before the launch, since any team that is 10 times our capacity can complete the project 10 times faster, and simply ruin all the fun. Patents, however, take a lot of time and people from the offices do not always speak our language… some are very hard or slow to communicate with.

4. Expanding the team

We will need individuals who are capable of doing the marketing, as well as individuals who can maintain the source-code. We will look into ways of forming the partnerships, and hopefully form them.

5. Start with the known and existing project incubators

Yes, we took a few steps forward, and then will make one step backward. Getting engaged with the project incubators will help us understand and gain the necessary experience regarding the existing project incubators (first-hand). Furthermore, it will increase our chances of having a success since we will have a developed product.

6. Develop the Krakin’t labs roadmap and enhance the exchange features

Krakin’t exchange is just the first baby-step we are making in the whole unique process we want to complete. It is one piece of a puzzle called “Krakin’t Labs”. Since the business financing will not come from the crypto-currencies and individuals believing in the project, we need to firmly establish the money-flow. This means that the exchange will be used as the well-developed and established proof for making the next business steps and decisions.

7. Figure out how to connect our exchange data with CoinGecko, CoinMarketcap, and the others…

This is going to be a bit complicated since the exchange we are developing will not be the swap and not exactly the spot-trade. The only clue we can give out at the moment is Fourier Analysis per asset, versus the candle-stick/line charts.

Fourier Graph of Speech Patterns
Candle-stick chart

Yes, those are the graphs we will be using, and we won’t be converting the line graph to Fourier! Not because we want to be different, but simply because we must use the Fourier… This is because the wave-form would look like the noise to existing price trackers, and it will be somewhat of a challenge to understand it. Traders would not have a clue how to interpret data, and therefore we must do it using the frequency analysis so that people can see what is happening.

8. We might not provide API access to exchange, but if we do, we will make the high-frequency BOT-ONLY trade, where humans are not allowed...

That is all for now, have a wonderful new year!



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