Tutorial: How to swap Buttcoins with Krakin’t tokens


7 min readSep 4, 2020


To get more ButtCoins, you can use this exchange:
Buttcoin on DDEX

  • Please note, to the best of my knowledge, none of the sale orders belong to ButtCoin or Krakin’t.
  • There might be other exchanges and swaps I am not aware of. You can use any other means to get the ButtCoins.
  • Another choice is to wait for the pre-sale (although I don’t know what the prices will be and whether there is going to be a pre-sale… at this very moment).


This is a short how-to for those who know exactly what to do, otherwise, please read the sections below this one.

  1. Go to a ButtCoin contract and connect to web3.
  2. Using the approve(spender, tokens) function, approve the maximum amount (copy-paste: 3355443199999981) for the tokens and enter 0x4A2bA2614d64A4f05f865EdD6b6309DD79Be304F for the contract address.
  3. Go to a swap contract, connect to web3, and press Step2.
  4. Once the contract is stopped (this may take a while), simply press a recoverButtcoins button.


ButtCoin is an ERC20 token that was developed a year ago (prior to this writing). It can be mined by the proof of work mechanism (made by 0xBTC token). ButtCoin was meant to be a fun experience and a meme-token. There are many other ButtCoins, and I am responsible only for the creation of the 0xBUTT. In the early stage of a development, some people got rekt [Fear of missing out:(FOMO)] as it gained a bit of popularity… Although I cannot take any responsibility for their actions, I do feel that if they had asked me, I would have told them not to invest but do the mining instead. Moving forward one year after renouncing the ownership of a ButtCoin contract… Krakin’t is a serious project and not a meme-token. On behalf of the Krakin’t token and all of the people who got rekt, I do want to accommodate everyone who held ButtCoins on their accounts; since the proof of burn and the early mining could benefit them the most. This time, however, the FOMO will hold true since Krakin’t will be burning 10K tokens every month for at least 10 years. More tokens get burned, more tokens can be rewarded to everyone (this is a proof of burn mechanism). The solo-mining contract will have a function where you’ll be able to burn the contract’s KRK tokens, whenever you want, and as many times as you like… and earn KRKs each time you do it. However, this will be explained in another post...


  • For 10K of ButtCoins, people will get around 3.355 Krakin’t-s (KRK). Why such small amount (as you may ask)? It is simply because you will be the first ones to start mining and gain the early advantages. You will need those KRKs to start with.
  • Although the swap-contract will hold up to 1-million KRKs, at the end of the swap period, any remainder will be taken away from the swap contract or burned.
  • I am not sure when the swap will stop, as I would like to run it forever. Nevertheless, it must not interfere with the pre-sale (if any) that is meant for gaining the exchange-liquidity money.
  • Most likely, the swap will stop once the pre-sale starts, and the miner will be deployed at the same time when it does.
  • Once the swap contract stops swapping, for 10K ButtCoins that were placed on a contract, people will get their 9.8K ButtCoins back (as a ratio). This is simply because the swap contract is not calculating the burn-percentages.
  • Since the swap is not calculating the burn percentages, it can happen that some accounts will not get their ButtCoins because there won’t be enough ButtCoins on a contract. I will try to put some ButtCoins (that is, if I can find some) so this does not happen, but cannot promise anything.
  • Therefore, once the contract stops, get your ButtCoins back as soon as possible! This document will also explain how to see whether the contract is stopped, and also what buttons to press.

Initial environment setup

  • Download and install Metamask, or use Formatis or Fortis. This how-to will cover only the Metamask part, and you will be on your own with any other wallet.
  • If your Metamask is not holding any ButtCoins there could be three reasons. First, you need to add the ETH account that holds ButtCoins to your wallet. Second, you may need to add ButtCoin as an asset. Third, you may need to purchase some ButtCoins.

Adding the ETH account to Metamask

  • If you need to to add the account that has ButtCoins to Metamaks, get your private-key ready for that account. If you don’t have the private-key… The only thing you can do is purchase some ButtCoins.

The private key is a 64-character string composed of letters and numbers that look like: 5eeb00b5fa11befa11b01ddeafbeefdecaf15f0075c0ffee1ead5defaced7ad5

  • The private key (yes, this one says “boobs”) then translates into a public (key) address: 0xdBCa45386BDad6719D04c67aE54Dabd1cc2819B4
  • Step 1, click on the circle in the upper right corner
  • Step 2 , click on the “Import Account”
  • Step 3, Make sure that Select Type is “Private Key”, then paste your private key (like the one with the “boobs”) into the text-field, and then click on an “Import” button, and your account will be imported into Metamask

Adding ButtCoin to Metamask

  • Step 1, click on the “Add Token” button.
  • Step 2, Click on the “Custom Token” tab, then paste: 0x5556d6a283fD18d71FD0c8b50D1211C5F842dBBc into the “Token Contract Address” text-field, and finally click on the “Next” button.
  • Step 3, Metamask will show you how many ButtCoins you have on the account. Press “Add Tokens” to confirm.
  • Step 4, Now, the ButtCoin is added to Metamask as an asset. Press the “<” to go back to the main menu.

Adding Krakin’t to Metamask

  • Do exactly the same steps as in “Adding ButtCoin to Metamask”, however, use this contract address: 0x7C131Ab459b874b82f19cdc1254fB66840D021B6 instead of 0x5556d6a283fD18d71FD0c8b50D1211C5F842dBBc

Approving the ButtCoins to a Swap Contract

  • This is an important part since the swap will not work without it. With this part, you will tell ButtCoin to accept the transactions to a Swap contract. This part may seem a bit complicated or the procedure outdated, but it does exactly the same thing as any nice and a polished web3j application.
  • Step 1, Go to THIS LINK
  • Step 2, you should be under the “Write Contract” tab (if not, go there). Press the “Connect to Web3”, select Metamask in a popup (as a wallet of choice) and approve anything that pops-up in the Metamask. The circle will turn from red to green and it will say “Connected — Web3[0x…]” with your 0x address in a square bracket. Next, copy and paste this contract address :”0x4A2bA2614d64A4f05f865EdD6b6309DD79Be304F” into “spender (address)” field. Next, copy and paste this large number: “3355443199999981” into “tokens (uint256)” field and finally press the “Write” button. Please wait for the network to finish transactions… only then you can move onto the next step.
Explanation: we are telling the ButtCoin that we are allowing the maximum number of Buttcoins to be transferred to a Swap contract. However, you will tell the Swap contract how many ButtCoins you want to swap. This is what the finished transaction looks like.

Swapping the ButtCoins for Krakin’t-s

  • This is the second most important step, and that is, getting your Krakin’t tokens and depositing the ButtCoins.
  • Step 1, Go to THIS LINK
  • Step 2, you should be under the “Write Contract” tab (if not, go there). Press the “Connect to Web3”, select Metamask in a popup (as a wallet of choice) and approve anything that pops-up in the Metamask. The circle will turn from red to green and it will say “Connected — Web3[0x…]” with your 0x address in a square bracket. Now, be careful with this part as I will say this only once! ButtCoin has 8 decimals. So, if you want to swap 123.45 ButtCoins, you would have to include all the 8 decimals and write the number as 12345000000. OK, now type in the number of ButtCoins (other than 12345…) you want to swap from your address and press “Write”. Please wait for the network to finish transactions.
This is what the finished transaction looks like.

How to get the ButtCoins back

  • To confirm whether the swap has stopped, go to THIS LINK and under the “Read Contract” tab try to locate the isLife function. You will see this:
False means that Swap is stopped (not live), and True means that it has NOT stopped (is still live).
  • Step 1, Go to THIS LINK
  • Step 2, you should be under the “Write Contract” tab (if not, go there). Press the “Connect to Web3”, select Metamask in a popup (as a wallet of choice) and approve anything that pops-up in the Metamask. The circle will turn from red to green and it will say “Connected — Web3[0x…]” with your 0x address in a square bracket. Now, simply press the “Write” button under the “recoverButtcoins” function. Wait for the transaction to complete.
This is what the finished transaction looks like.



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